Friday, December 14, 2012

Oil Theft in the North West Making British Winter’s Even Colder

With winter in full swing, temperatures regularly below freezing and houses that need to be heated, oil usage is essential for around 108,000 homes. However there have been a series of raids in rural areas on people’s fuel tanks.

Oil theft is mostly occurring in the North West of England and home owners are being warned to be vigilant against thieves. The advice that the Oil Firing Technical Association (OFTEC) are offering is to ensure that you increase the security on and around your oil tank such as lock the tank, checking the oil levels regularly or purchasing a reliable oil tank level gauge such as the Watchman Alarm where you can view the oil levels from inside your home, and making effort to conceal your tank.

Sometimes theft can only become apparent when people’s oil has already been taken and then the heating will stop, which during a typical English winter would not be a joy to wake up to.